We are looking for our first cohort of Covington Scholars

Equipping Our Youth for Success Via Access to Education

GPA Academy

Advanced online program for gifted students in grades 2-12 in math, science, foreign language and the humanities.


Our Academic Counselors connect with the students and parents to determine programs and opportunities that align with their academic and career goals.


Our gifted scholars come from different backgrounds and communities.

Camp Usawa

Summer Camp assists in the intellectual, social and spiritual development of the child through science labs, poetry slams, athletics, cultural appreciation, and much more.


  • Usawa definition
    • oo-sah-wah . noun . balance



The Covington Family  Foundation seeks to make higher education more affordable for gifted students from underserved communities. Scholarships are awarded based on a combination of need and merit.


Scholars will begin building their network and enhancing the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to thrive in professions including but not limited to, technology, finance, and medicine.


In an effort to increase the number of underrepresented students who score in the top 10% on the SAT, TCFF offers personalized SAT Prep Courses for students in grades 6-12.


TCFF hosts annual seminars for scholars and parents to connect, celebrate our students’ achievements, and learn about resources that will aid in their success in college and beyond.

Bridge Program

Talented high school and college seniors engage in intensive academic enrichment, community service, and personal and professional development prior to entering college or graduate/professional school.


FREE financial literacy workshops will be offered to students and parents. Workshops will cover topics like budgeting, real estate, and entrepreneurship.

How to Help


You are needed! We have several opportunities for you to bring your genius to the table and empower our youth. From Board Member positions to tutors, to assistance with getting the message out, we NEED you! 

Give Today

Financial donations allow us to serve in the capacity to reach and empower youth with our programs. All donation amounts help. Donations will be tax deductible. Our 501c3 is in process.

The Edward T. Covington Scholarship

Man Of Many Talents

A man of many talents, one of Edward T. Covington’s greatest gifts was inspiring others to reach their fullest potential. Though not an educator, Edward was an avid learner and patient teacher, willing to teach those who showed interests in any facet – from building a remote-controlled toy car, to martial arts and engaging a crowd with the latest and greatest music. Edward lost his 3 year battle with cancer in 2003, but not without having made a lasting impact on those who had the privilege of knowing him. The Edward T. Covington Scholarship founded in his honor seeks to continue his legacy by recognizing and providing educational opportunities for those who like him stand out for their giftedness, resilience, wisdom, and compassion for others. 


Mecca Pelzer

Founder, President


Steven Wilder MBA,


Mikel Houston M. Ed.,

Board Member (Secretary)


Dr. Aliya Covington Ed. D

Board Member


Dr. Edward Small Ed. D,

Ed. D, Board Member